Practice locations
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3800 Reservoir Road Northwest Washington, DC, 20007
202-444-2000miles away
3001 South Hanover Street Baltimore, MD, 21225
410-350-3200miles away
201 East University Parkway Baltimore, MD, 21218
410-554-2000miles away
110 Irving Street Northwest Washington, DC, 20010
202-877-7000miles away
Board Certification: American Board of Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology
Residency: John H Stroger Jr Hospital of Cook County (1991)
Residency: George Washington University Hospital (1988)
Residency: The Chicago Medical School (1987)
Internship: John H Stroger Jr Hospital of Cook County (1986)
Residency: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center (1986)
Medical School: Howard University College of Medicine (1985)