Curtis, a 37-year-old Washington, D.C. native, lives with his father and his beloved 3-year-old boxer, Loki. In late October 2023, Curtis experienced a sudden and alarming loss of sensation in his right arm. The next morning, things took a terrifying turn when he attempted to get up but couldn’t feel his legs. He collapsed to the floor, remaining unresponsive for several hours. Throughout this ordeal, Loki stayed by his side, lying on top of him until his father discovered him and called for paramedics. Curtis was rushed to Holy Cross Hospital, where doctors performed surgery to remove his C3-4 discs. When he awoke, he was paralyzed, facing a life-altering and frightening new reality.
In early November, Curtis was transferred to MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) with a determined mindset. Despite the uncertainty of his situation, he set his sights on regaining mobility. Throughout his stay, he connected with new friends and shared his journey with those around him. In mid-January 2024, Curtis transitioned to outpatient therapy, ready to tackle his recovery goals head-on.
Curtis set ambitious goals to regain his independence, challenging himself daily to improve. His milestones included feeding himself, using the bathroom, dressing, building strength, maintaining balance, walking, and bathing.
Now, nearly a year later, Curtis has made remarkable progress, thanks to the unwavering support of the therapy staff. He now walks around his home using a rolling walker or even free-handed, and only uses a wheelchair twice a week for therapy sessions. By the end of the summer, he achieved a major milestone—walking on the sand at the beach. His next goal? To get back in the water, once he regains more strength and mobility in his arms. Swimming was a passion before his surgery, and he eagerly anticipates returning to it.
Curtis finds joy in spending time outdoors with friends and family, attending concerts, enjoying music, and dining out. Looking ahead, he hopes to continue improving his mobility so he can travel again. More than anything, Curtis is focused on reclaiming a fearless, carefree mindset—letting go of the “what ifs” and embracing life fully once more.