When Mark Hill learned he had prostate cancer , he decided to tackle it head on. He was soon to be retired and ready to enjoy time with his wife, Erness. The active couple had just organized a Friday night line dancing group at their church.
After doing his research, Hill decided CyberKnife was the way to go.
His therapy was short, consisting of five treatments over the course of one week. Each time, he lay on the CyberKnife table for just 40 minutes, and afterward he and his wife would run their usual errands. Hill says he never even felt tired. And because of CyberKnife’s ability to destroy tumors with knife-like precision, sparing surrounding healthy tissue, he wasn’t bothered by side effects that can be common with other therapies.
After his fifth and final treatment for prostate cancer, Hill was back on the dance floor, line dancing that very night. Thanks to CyberKnife, he never missed a beat.
Watch the video below to hear more about Hill's prostate cancer treatment journey with CyberKnife:

Mark Hill, prostate cancer survivor, was treated at the CyberKnife Center at MedStar Franklin Square.