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March 05, 2025
The new system debuts enhanced surgical sensing technology, improved 3D imaging, and streamlined workflows. COLUMBIA, Md. — MedStar Health continues to lead the way in robotic surgery, recently ...
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September 14, 2017
CLINTON, MD - MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center is proud to announce it has earned NICHE Level 4 status for its exemplary care of elderly patients. NICHE stands for Nurses Improving Care for...
August 16, 2017
MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center has been recognized in the most recent Best Hospitals issue of U.S. News & World Report. The hospital was ranked as high performing in the areas of urolo...
August 08, 2017When Perinatal Nurse Educator Lisa Hulvey, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, comes up with an idea for an educational exercise that can reaffirm best practice or help the team identify ways to improve current practice, she contacts the MedStar Simulation Training & Education Lab (SiTEL) team to design and implement a drill.
July 24, 2017
The words congestive heart failure may sound scary, but with expert care and treatment, patients can either make lifestyle changes, begin medication regimens, or&nb...
June 30, 2017
By: Sung W. Lee, MD, Department of Cardiology Atrial Fibrillation is the technical term for irregular heartbeat caused by malfunctioning electrical impulses in the heart. It is the most common heart r...
June 27, 2017
It All About Teamwork: Orthopedic Surgeon Daniel Hampton, MD, and 15 year-old patient Isis Belcher, work together with her supportive dad and an encouraging physical therapist MedStar Ortho...