About me
Margaret Montgomery, CNM, MS, is a faculty midwife in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Ms. Montgomery is actively involved in the teaching and clinical practice of obstetrics, and in gynecology from a midwifery perspective.
Prior to joining the Hospital Center, Ms. Montgomery founded midwifery services in Johnstown and Somerset, Pennsylvania. In full scope midwifery practice, she served as a preceptor to midwifery students and attended nearly 3,000 births. Ms. Montgomery has also been involved in the Midwives for Haiti Project, assisting with curriculum development as well as teaching lifesaving midwifery skills.
Ms. Montgomery's research interests include the application of the Optimality Index-US, a measurement tool developed to analyze aggregate perinatal data. This statistical instrument recognizes that low rates of intervention will reflect a confluence of both optimal process and optimal background condition.
Ms. Montgomery likes to spend free time on her farm where her large family gathers for winter skiing, summer swimming, biking and boating in nearby state parks. She enjoys gardening, long walks with the dogs, great literature and dark chocolate. She volunteers in support of Haitian midwifery education.
Additional Training, Education and ResearchMs. Montgomery received a bachelor's degree in anthropology-sociology from West Chester State University, Pennsylvania, in 1972. In 1973, she received an associate degree in nursing from Gwynedd-Mercy College, Pennsylvania. Ms. Montgomery earned national midwifery certification from the American College of Nurse-Midwives and Downstate Medical Center, State University of New York in 1979. She received a master's degree in midwifery from Philadelphia University in 2008.
Ms. Montgomery has supplemented her training with the following courses:
- Advanced Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Women's Health Professionals, Philadelphia University, 2009
- Advanced Life Support for Obstetrics, 2004 and 2009
- Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing Preceptor Training, 1993
- Basic Colposcopy and Electrosurgery, 1992
Ms. Montgomery is a contributing author to Tharpe, N. & Farley, C.L. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Midwifery & Women's Health, fourth edition. Sudberry, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, under development. Also, she authored the article Analysis of a Rural Midwifery Practice Using the Optimality Index-US, published in the Philadelphia University Final Projects Database 2008.
Honors, Awards and Society MembershipsMs. Montgomery is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Association of Childbearing Centers, the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), D.C. Chapter of the American College of Nurse-Midwives and D.C. Chapter of Holistic Moms. She served on the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Association of Licensed Midwives from 2007 to 2009. Ms. Montgomery was also president of the ACNM Western Pennsylvania chapter, and now serves as its legislative liaison and liaison to the Board of Medicine until 2009.
Practice FocusMs. Montgomery delivers midwifery services that emphasize caring, compassion and case management, focusing on safety of and sensitivity to the mother. Her approach to obstetrics appreciates advanced technology as a servant of safety, while empowering each woman to make her own choices.
Clinical areas of focus
- Birth Control Counseling
- Breastfeeding Problems
- Breastfeeding Support
- Centering Pregnancy
- Family Planning
- First Trimester Screening
- Labor And Delivery
- Lactation Support
- Natural Birth
- Nausea Of Pregnancy
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases In Pregnancy
Conditions and procedures
Conditions I treat
- Advanced Maternal Age
- Anemia Of Pregnancy
- Arcuate Uterus
- Bicornuate Uterus
- Breastfeeding Problems
- Cervical Incompetence
- Cervical Insufficiency
- Cholestasis Of Pregnancy
- Complications Of Episiotomy
- Delayed Umbilical Cord Separation
- Endometritis
- Gestational Diabetes
- Hellp Syndrome
- History Of Severe Preeclampsia
- HIV In Pregnancy
- Hyperemesis
- Hypertensive Disorders Of Pregnancy
- Intrauterine Growth Restriction Fetus
- Lactation Disorders
- Large For Gestational Age
- Liver Disease In Pregnancy
- Macrosomia
- Mastitis
- Maternal Fibroids
- Maternal Obesity
- Maternal Substance Abuse
- Medical Complications In Pregnancy
- Morning Sickness
- Multiple Gestations
- Nausea Of Pregnancy
- Newborn Feeding Problems
- Nuchal Cord
- Perinatal Mental Health Disorders
- Perinatal Mood Disorders
- Placental Disorders
- Postpartum Depression
- Postpartum Mastitis
- Postpartum Thyroiditis
- Preeclampsia
- Pregnancy
- Prenatal Diagnosis
- Preterm Labor
- Preterm Premature Rupture Of Membranes
- Pruritic Urticarial Papules And Plaques Of Pregancy (PUPP)
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- Severe Preeclampsia
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases In Pregnancy
- True Knot
- Umbilical Cord Compression
- Umbilical Cord Infection
- Umbilical Cord Prolapse
- Uterine Anomaly With Pregnancy
- Vaginal Abscess
- Vasa Previa
Procedures I perform
- Antepartum And Postpartum Care
- Birth Control Counseling
- Breastfeeding Support
- Centering Pregnancy
- Contraction Stress Testing
- Delayed Cord Clamping
- Episiotomy
- Family Planning
- Fetal Non Stress Testing
- Fetal Ultrasound
- First Trimester Screening
- Gestational Diabetes Counseling
- Labor And Delivery
- Lactation Support
- Maternal Anticoagulation
- Natural Birth
- Newborn Screening Tests
- Nitrous Oxide During Labor
- Opioid Addiction Treatment In Pregnancy
- Oral Contraceptive Counseling
- Post Partum Check Up
- Postpartum Care
- Pregnancy Counseling
- Prenatal Care
- Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section
- Vaginal Delivery
- Water Birth Information
Practice locations
Distance from Change LocationEnter your Location
3800 Reservoir Road Northwest Washington, DC, 20007
202-444-2000miles away
110 Irving Street Northwest Washington, DC, 20010
202-877-7000miles away
Graduate: Philadelphia University School of Science & Health (2008)
Graduate: SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University - College of Medicine (1979)