Crystal Chanel Watkins, MD,PhD

Crystal Chanel Watkins, MD,PhD


Dr. Watkins joined MedStar Harbor Hospital in 2020 and is the Chair of the Department of Psychiatry. She provides clinical care in Inpatient Psychiatry, Emergency Psychiatry, ECT, and Consultation Liaison Psychiatry. She has a particular interest in neuropsychiatry and has published extensively. She completed medical school at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 2003. She continued her education at John Hopkins University with an internship in internal medicine from 2003-2004, postdoctoral fellowship in neuroscience from 2004-2005, psychiatry residency from 2005-2008, Schweizer fellowship in interdisciplinary program in mood disorder and neuroimaging from 2008-2009, and finally a fellowship in geriatric psychiatry from 2009-2011. She has been honored as Physician of the Year, 2019 by The Daily Record and was recognized as one of Maryland’s Top 100 Women, 2012 also by The Daily Record. Before joining MedStar, she was the Associate Director of Geriatric Outpatient Services and the Medical Director at the Memory Clinic in Neuropsychiatry Program at Sheppard Pratt. to all psychiatric nurse practitioners and residents rotating through psychiatry. Since 2011, Over the course of her career, Dr. Watkins has published extensively including 21 peer-reviewed research articles, 3 non peer-reviewed research articles, 2 book chapters, 16 abstracts for conference presentations and posters, created 1 U.S. patent, and has been invited to lecture nationally over 25 times.. Dr. Watkins is currently supported by two grants. The first is the Behavioral Health Equality Across Maryland (BEAM) Grant. It is a $750,000 award over a three-year period, from June 2022 to May 2025. Dr. Watkins has been an adjunct faculty at John Hopkins University as Assistant Professor. She is also an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Georgetown University. Dr. Watkins is core faculty in our program and will be providing inpatient, ECT, and C-L supervision and teaching to residents as well as didactic lectures in Psychopharmacology, Geriatric Psychiatry, Brain Imaging and Memory, Neuromodulation, and ECT.