Stephen Ray Mitchell, MD, MBA

Stephen Ray Mitchell, MD, MBA

Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
Joseph J. Butenas Professor and Dean for Medical Education

Dr. Stephen Ray Mitchell, M.D., MACP FAAP, is the Dean for Medical Education at Georgetown. Dr. Mitchell is The Joseph J. Butenas Professor of Medical Education and is also Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics. Dr. Mitchell completed training and certification in internal medicine and pediatrics at the North Carolina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill. He completed rheumatology subspecialty training at Georgetown University. In 1988, he accepted a faculty position to provide rheumatology teaching and service in adult and pediatric rheumatology at Georgetown University Hospital, where he opened the Childhood Arthritis Center. He served as Residency Program Director in Internal Medicine from 1992 to 1999 and initiated an innovative Medicine Pediatric Residency at Georgetown in partnership with Kaiser Permanente in 1996 under the sponsorship of Partnerships for Quality Education and the Pew Charitable Trusts. He served as Associate Dean for Clinical Curriculum at Georgetown University School of Medicine from 1998 to 2000 and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from 2000 to May 2002. He has served as the chief academic officer for the past decade.