Kirsten B. Hawkins, MD, MPH, FAAP, FSAHM

Kirsten B. Hawkins, MD, MPH, FAAP, FSAHM

Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Director, Residency Program

Dr. Kirsten Hawkins, MD, MPH, FAAP is an adolescent medicine specialist at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. She is an associate professor of clinical pediatrics at Georgetown University School of Medicine and is Chief of the Section of Adolescent Medicine at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. Dr. Hawkins joined the Georgetown in 2007 and soon became active in medical school admissions and both undergraduate and graduate medical education. She served as the associate clerkship director for over three years before becoming the program director for the pediatric residency program in July 2014. Dr. Hawkins completed her pediatric training at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City and then went on to specialty training in adolescent medicine at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC. She has her Master’s in Public Health from the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services where she concentrated in Maternal Child Health. She received her medical degree at the University Of Connecticut School Of Medicine and her undergraduate degree in history from Tulane University. Dr. Hawkins serves as the chair of the Adolescent Medicine Section of the District of Columbia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics where she is a member of the committee on Adolescent Health and Council on Communications and Media and has presented at the National Conference & Exhibition. Additionally; she is an active member of the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine, both nationally and locally. She is a past president of the Chesapeake Regional Chapter of the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine. She is the co-chair of the special interest group on Electronic Health Records. Dr. Hawkins’ research interests are in adolescent confidentiality and consent, teaching communication skills, cancer prevention, and transition of care. Dr. Hawkins and her husband, a dentist in solo practice, live in Washington, DC with their two daughters, Sofia and Elena. Dr. Hawkins is often seen biking between the hospital and the Tenleytown clinic office. On free weekends she might be spotted kayaking on the Potomac River or heading to the closest ski slope with her ski racing daughters. Dr. Hawkins is an active advocate for the youth of DC, testifying at DC Council on subjects ranging from school nursing staffing to concussion awareness.