There are over eight million Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide and their number is growing. They understand the Biblical injunction to “abstain from blood” (Acts 15:28, 29) to be a divine command and, therefore, refuse blood transfusion. In addition, as discussed on our home page, there are millions, if not billions, of patients worldwide for whom blood transfusion is simply not available or poses unacceptable risks.
The scarcity of training materials and opportunities may limit the ability of physicians to provide quality care without the use of blood transfusion. Many healthcare providers are unaware that the tools and techniques of bloodless medicine and surgery exist and are, therefore, at a loss when presented with a patient for whom blood transfusion is not an option.
According to the American Hospital Association, as of September 2017 there were 5,564 registered hospitals in the US. Around 100 of these now offer some level of bloodless care. Globally, bloodless medicine and surgery programs are even scarcer. Thus, there is an urgent need to provide training and raise awareness of bloodless medicine and surgery — in the US and around the world.
Additional information

We offer free consulting services for administrators and physician leaders wishing to establish a bloodless medicine and surgery program.
Interested in starting a bloodless program?
Learn how you can implement a bloodless program in your institution.