Yijung Kim, PhD

Yijung Kim, PhD

Research Scientist, Health Economics and Aging Research at MedStar Health Research Institute

Yijung Kim, PhD, is a research scientist for Health Economics and Aging Research at MedStar Health Research Institute. Dr. Kim is trained in gerontology and uses advanced quantitative methodology to understand aging as an interpersonal process. Through her work, she has examined the social determinants of health, including ageism, bereavement, and the dynamics of support exchanges among older adults and their families. Dr. Kim's recent research focuses on population health, focusing on uncovering the determinants of digital inequality at the individual and community levels and their causal effect on healthcare delivery and utilization in later life. Findings from these studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals such as The Gerontologist, Journal of Marriage and Family, and Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Dr. Kim holds a BA in Psychology and Philosophy from Boston College. In addition, she has a master's and Doctorate in gerontology from the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Research Areas

  • Geriatrics
    Health Economics, Systems, and Policy