Cindy Roles, MSN, RN, CNML

Cindy Roles, MSN, RN, CNML

Assistant Vice President of Nursing Operations and Patient Care Services

Cindy Roles, MSN, RN, CNML, serves as the Assistant Vice President of Nursing Operations and Patient Care Services for MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center. In this role, she is responsible for the operations of nursing services under the direction of the entity's Chief Nursing Officer.

Prior to becoming a nurse, Roles proudly served our nation as a Lance Corporal in the United States Marine Corps, from 2001-2003. 

Roles first joined MedStar Health in 2009 and has since held progressive nursing leadership roles. In 2017 and 2018, she lobbied on Capitol Hill with the Emergency Nurses Association, in the interest of emergency room nurses nationwide. Roles obtained her Master of Science in Nursing Leadership from Notre Dame of Maryland University in 2020. She became a Certified Nurse Manager and Leader (CNML) the same year. In 2021, she completed the MedStar Leader of the Future Nursing Leadership Development Program through which she helped establish MedStar’s Medical Surgical Nursing Practice Council.

Roles came to MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center in 2022 as Senior Director of Nursing Operations and Patient Care Services. In that role, she oversaw the re-integration of LPNs into the Medical Surgical service line. Later, she was appointed to the system LPN Sprint Team and has been instrumental in rethinking, piloting, and implementing the MedSTAR model of care. As a leader of leaders, Roles partnered with the MedStar Health Center for Wellbeing to successfully execute the first LEADS (Leadership Enhancement and Development Series) cohort.  

Roles is passionate about giving back to the profession; thus, she serves as associate faculty at her alma mater and our academic practice partner, Notre Dame of Maryland University School of Nursing.