Priscilla Dass-Brailsford, EdD, MPH - DC CFAR

Priscilla Dass-Brailsford, is a native of South Africa and a graduate of Harvard University. She is a Professor and has been faculty in the Department of Psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical Center since 2009. As a PTSD expert and clinical psychologist, she studies the effects of trauma, violence, abuse and other stressful events and is particularly interested in whether individuals from historically oppressed or stigmatized groups experience unique stressors or exhibit culturally specific coping processes. Prior to pursuing an academic career, Dr. Dass-Brailsford coordinated a Community Crisis Response team for the Victims of Violence program at Cambridge Health Alliance (MA) that responded to affected communities in the aftermath of trauma. Besides numerous other publications, she is the published author of three books: Trauma,Violence & Abuse (2020), Disaster and Crisis Response: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina,(2009), and A Practical Approach to Trauma: Empowering Interventions (2007). Dr. Dass-Brailsford is an APA Fellow of Divisions 17, 35, 45 and 56 and Chair of the Fellows Committee for APA’s Division of Trauma.