Under District of Columbia law, MedStar Washington Hospital Center has an important obligation to make its services available to all people in the community. MedStar Washington Hospital Center does not discriminate against a patient for services because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, sexual preference, gender identity, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, physical handicap, source of income, place of residence or business, or because a patient or applicant for services is covered by a program such as Medicare or Medicaid. The Hospital Center is also obligated to provide a reasonable volume of services without charge or at a reduced charge to persons unable to pay.
If you believe that you have been improperly denied services, contact the hospital's Admissions Department or Business Office, or call the District State Health Planning and Development Agency at 202-442-5875.
Access to Care
In cooperation with the District of Columbia and federal governments, this facility makes its services available to all people in the community.
This facility does not discriminate against a patient because of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, matriculation, political affiliation, physical handicap, source of income, place of residence or business, or because a patient is covered by a program such as Medicare or Medicaid.
This facility also provides a reasonable volume of services without charge or at a reduced charge to persons unable to pay. If your yearly gross family income does not exceed the amounts shown in the table below, you probably qualify for assistance.
Family Size* |
Scale Income** |
1 |
$8,240 |
2 |
$11,060 |
3 |
$13,880 |
4 |
$16,700 |
5 |
$19,520 |
6 |
$22,340 |
7 |
$25,160 |
8 |
$27,980 |
*Add $2,820 for each additional family member beyond eight. **Based on "The 1999 HHS Poverty Guidelines." These guidelines change periodically.
Aviso Publico del MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Quién Recibe Atención Médica
En cooperación con el gobierno del Distrito de Columbia y los gobiernos federales, este hospital pone sus servicios a disposición de toda la comunidad. Este hospital no discrimina en contra de un paciente debido a su raza, color, religión, nacionalidad, sexo, edad, estado civil, matriculación, afiliación política, impedimentos físicos, fuentes de ingresos, lugar de residencia o negocio, o porque un paciente esté amparado por un programa como Medicare o Medicaid. Este hospital también ofrece una cantidad apreciable de servicios en forma gratuita o a precio reducido, para las personas que no pueden pagar.
Usted califica para recibir asistencia, si su ingreso total anual familiar no excede las siguientes cifras:
Número de Miembros en la Familia* |
Ingreso Familiar Anual** |
1 |
$8,240 |
2 |
$11,060 |
3 |
$13,880 |
4 |
$16,700 |
5 |
$19,520 |
6 |
$22,340 |
7 |
$25,160 |
8 |
$27,980 |
*Añadir $2,820 por cada persona adicional si la familia tiene más de ocho miembros **Basado en "Las Guías de Consulta 1999 de la Pobreza de HHS." Estas guías de consulta cambian periódicamente.
Usted puede solicitar un formulario de asistencia en la oficina de Servicios Financieros del Paciente.
Llamar al teléfono 202-877-7174 (marque 1-4-1) para hablar con un consejero financiero. Se determinara si usted es elegible al cabo de dos días hábiles, después de que usted presente su formulario debidamente lleno.
Si usted cree que se le han negado servicios indebidamente, por favor póngase en contacto con la directora de la Oficina de Registro de Pacientes del MedStar Washington Hospital Center al teléfono 202-877-6107, o llame al District of Columbia State Health Planning and Development Agency al teléfono 202-727-0744.
Community health
Partnering with our communities to improve health Community Health is dedicated to improving the health of our communities through partnerships, and the delivery of accessible care, evidence-based education and wellness services. Classes and services are designed to provide information and resources for informed health decisions.
Community Health Publications
MedStar Washington Hospital Center releases a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) every three years, along with an annual Report to the Community.
Community Health Programs
MedStar Washington Hospital Center works with several partners to address the health of community members and bring resources to those in need. Community Health provides several programs to address identified health priorities, including management of chronic disease.
Have further questions? Please contact WHCCommunityHealth@medstar.net.
Community Health Needs Assessment
MedStar Washington Hospital Center is proud to release its FY19 – FY21 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and implementation strategy. The CHNA uses a community-driven approach that supports the hospital in planning and carrying out community-based programming to more effectively handle the health needs of underserved and vulnerable populations. The three-year plan details the hospital’s community benefit service areas, the identified health priorities and programs with measurable outcomes.
Report to the Community
MedStar Washington Hospital Center is committed to promoting the good health of residents of our communities, especially those who face barriers to accessing quality health care. Our professionals work to improve the health of our communities in numerous ways that include: hosting free screenings and providing related educational information, facilitating support groups, educating the community on important health topics, partnering with local schools to provide education for pregnant and/or parenting teens, among other programs. Check out some of our community health and outreach highlights below.
MedStar Washington Hospital Center’s 340B Program
Congress created the 340B drug savings program to help those hospitals serving vulnerable communities expand access to prescription drugs and support essential services for their communities. The savings generated from the 340B drug discount program are used to help offer needed services to our community such as the ones described below.

Access to care for Vulnerable Populations
MedStar Health is committed to providing care to the communities we serve when they need it most. Hospitals provide pathways for financial assistance for individuals that are unable to afford their treatment services. MedStar Health also provides innovative approaches to support District of Columbia and Maryland health goals.
- Prescription assistance funding and assistance with accessing prescription medications for patients in need are available.
- Patient Financial Services provides financial assistance to uninsured patients who reside within the communities we serve by assisting with enrollment in publicly-funded entitlement programs, refer patients to state or federal insurance exchange navigator resources and assist with securing funding that may be available from other charitable organizations.
- Transportation in partnership with Uber, Medstar has created a convenient program with a reliable means of transportation for vulnerable patients to travel to and from medical appointments and health education activities.
- Physicians in the Community MedStar Health invests in physicians, nurses, specialists and other clinical leaders to provide services in the communities we serve.
Health and Wellness
MedStar Health outreach teams offers classes, events and activities to support a healthy body, mind and spirit. We also recognize that at-risk, high -needs individuals living in our communities need access to peer outreach, chronic disease management, screenings and prevention education.
- Chronic Disease Prevention & Management Programs are offered throughout the year at low or no cost to the participants to influence education, self-management and promote a living healthy.
- Living Well Self-Management Programs offers evidence based six-week workshops for adults who have long lasting health problems with ideas to help them take charge of their health and live active and enjoyable lives. Family members and caregivers are also welcome.
- Diabetes Prevention Programs offers evidence-based year-long programs to help community members prevent diabetes through life balance and weight management.
- Smoking Cessation Programs are offered to provide community members a forum increase awareness and the intention to quit among smokers
- Cancer Screenings MedStar Health recognizes the importance of early detection for cancer and has programs available for those who may not be able to afford these lifesaving screenings on their own. Our community outreach teams focus on empowering the community with information and screenings for the most common types of cancer in the communities we serve.
- Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) a universal screening program for screening and identification of substance use disorder; with a goal of providing referrals for substance abuse treatment. Peer Recovery Coaches provide brief intervention and referrals to community support services and treatment centers.
- The Opioid Overdose Survivor’s Outreach Project (OSOP) a field based initiative, statistics show that those who survive an opioid overdose have a 60% mortality rate unless they are actively engaged in treatment. MedStar Health sends peer recovery coaches in the field to see recent overdose survivors and link them to treatment services, naloxone trainings and provide a consistent point of contact should someone wish to enter care.
- Support Groups MedStar Health offers many support groups for caregivers and the community to support each other and promote health, independence, and well-being.
Social Determinants of Health
MedStar Health invests in programs and partnerships that address the social needs of patients and community members.
- Community Health Workers provides advocates who work with patients to connect them to resources in the community, such as food pantries, paying for prescription medications and transportation assistance.
- Universal Social Needs Screenings MedStar Health’s social needs screening tool helps to identify the social issues that affect individuals health outcomes and facilitate sensitive conversations about nonmedical needs that maybe a barrier to good health.
- Food as Medicine Initiatives address food insecurity and contribute to reducing hunger and improving health through joint programmatic solutions in the communities served by MedStar Health.