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Welcome to MedStar Georgetown Internal Medicine & Pediatrics at Glover Park
Welcome to our clinic! This is an academic practice providing evidence-based quality care to adult and pediatric patients in a caring and patient centered manner.
As an academic practice, medical students and residents routinely participate in the care of our patients. Our resident physicians have completed their medical degrees and are pursuing advanced training in Internal Medicine or Medicine Pediatrics. Our residents work collaboratively with our supervising faculty physicians, who review each case with the resident at the time of service.
Our Providers
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Mariam Hassan Ayub, MD
Internal Medicine
Amy Lynn Burke, MD
Pediatrics & Internal Medicine
Robin A. Felker, MD
Pediatrics & Internal Medicine
Bhumika Gandhi, MD
Pediatrics & Internal Medicine
Eileen Sharon Moore, MD
Internal Medicine
Not Accepting
New Patients Not Accepting New Patients -
Dennis R. Murphy, MD
Internal Medicine
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Michael Peter Ramirez, MD
Internal Medicine
Sruthi Nukalapati Reddy, MD
Internal Medicine
Not Accepting
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Monica Alessandra Robelo, MD
Internal Medicine
Mihika Sathe, MD
Internal Medicine & Pediatrics
Elizabeth Bartlett Selden, MD
Internal Medicine
Not Accepting
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Amber Elizabeth Sharma, PhD, LAcEAMP
Varun D. Sharma, MD
Internal Medicine
Not Accepting
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Ritu Bahl Shrotriya, MD
Internal Medicine
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Daniel Patrick Sulmasy, MD
Internal Medicine
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Margot G. Wheeler, MD
Internal Medicine
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New Patients Not Accepting New Patients -
Allison O. Windels, MD
Internal Medicine
Not Accepting
New Patients Not Accepting New Patients -
Samuel Clifford Wood, MD
Pediatrics & Internal Medicine
- Board-certified physicians
- Our providers see patients of all ages, including newborns
- Same-day and next-day appointments
- Routine preventative care, acute care (illness or injury), management of chronic conditions
- Weight loss assistance
- Pre-operative consults, immunizations, immigration physicals, ear piercings, earwax removal, well-woman care (including pap smears and pelvic exams), cryotherapy
- Diabetes education
- Clinical social worker
- Integrative medicine consultation
- Acupuncture
- Nurse triage line: Nursing advice available Monday-Friday 8:30am- 4:30pm
- An after-hours emergency line that always has a physician on-call
Patient portal: enroll at to request prescription refills, appointments, or referrals, view visit summaries, exchange secure messages with your provider, and review most recent test results
Visiting us
Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday:
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Parking information
Street entrance is closest to Einstein Bagels. There is a MedStar Health sign posted for the parking lot entrance.
Please note: Please proceed to the rear of the building and check in with the parking attendant on level B2. There is a fee for parking. Street parking is also an option depending on availability. Patients needing assistance due to accessibility issues please proceed to level B2 for the valet. Patients with wheelchairs that are nonstandard size should use the ramp at the front of the building close to the Einstein Bagels.