Edited by
Curtis L. Whitehair, MD, FAAPMR
Eric M. Wisotzky, MD, FAAPMR
Publication Date: May 2014
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Managing Breast Cancer: A Guide to Living Well Through Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation provides breast cancer patients, survivors, and loved ones with a guide to empowerment. For the first time, readers are provided the knowledge and strategies on how to maximize their function and quality of life throughout the spectrum of care. Managing Breast Cancer begins by giving the reader an overview of breast cancer and its treatments. This helps the reader to understand how these treatments may affect the body.
The book then discusses the common functional complications of cancer including pain, fatigue, and lymphedema, and gives practical rehabilitation management strategies for each. Noted physicians and therapists have contributed to this comprehensive guide. It approaches the breast cancer patient’s life from every angle, including: exercise, psychological concerns, relationships, nutrition, and more.
The book includes illustrations of exercises that can help the patient through all phases of treatment. Personal stories written by patients highlight the life changing benefits of rehabilitation. These stories lend hope that there is life after cancer diagnosis and treatment.
This practical – and inspirational – book summarizes years of research and clinical experience that has been shown to improve the quality of life of breast cancer patients. It is an easy-to-use reference for anyone affected by breast cancer. Acclaimed by breast cancer survivors and their loved-ones alike, Managing Breast Cancer is an indispensable guide. – Book summarizes years of research and clinical experience that has been shown to improve the quality of life of breast cancer patients. It is an easy-to-use reference for anyone affected by breast cancer. Acclaimed by breast cancer survivors and their loved-ones alike, Managing Breast Cancer is an indispensable guide.