Diabetes prevention education takes the field.
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Pictured above: Raising awareness of Type 2 Diabetes risks.


As Baltimore Ravens fans flocked toward M&T Bank stadium under a sunny game-day sky last season, event staff answered typical fan questions like, "Which gate should we enter?" and "Where are the restrooms?" Just a few steps away, a team from MedStar Health was also on hand, answering a different kind of question: "What is my risk for type 2 diabetes?"

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), 1 in 3 American adults is at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and over 7 million people in the U.S. have diabetes and do not know it. 


Diabetes prevention infographic


To raise awareness about early detection and prevention of type 2 diabetes, MedStar Health joined the Purple Ticket to Health initiative in partnership with Novo Nordisk, the Government Employees Health Association and the Baltimore Ravens.

“Each Ravens home game attracts over 70,000 fans, so it presents an incredible opportunity to reach members of the community of all ages,” says Phyllis Gray, assistant vice president of Care Transformation at MedStar Health. “Chronic diseases like diabetes don’t just impact the elderly, and it can affect entire families.”

To drive this message home and to encourage community members to find out their risk for developing the disease, a team of MedStar Health associates is available before every Ravens home game along RavensWalk, the bustling and highly popular tailgating walkway spanning from Oriole Park at Camden Yards to M&T Bank stadium. Associates from MedStar Health offer fans an opportunity to take a 60-second online diabetes risk assessment. The ADA developed the assessment to use factors like age, gender, family history, race, and frequency of physical activity to determine the results. Fans who complete the screening are entered to win Ravens prizes like game tickets and autographed merchandise.

“The response from fans has been great,” Gray says, adding that anyone who prefers to discuss health matters in a more private setting is encouraged to scan a QR code allowing them to take the assessment at home. “Even those who may already have diabetes are taking the assessment for their family members and loved ones to find out their risk for developing it.”

The ADA considers diabetes an epidemic, both nationwide and in the state of Maryland. In Maryland, 11.8% of the adult population has a confirmed diabetes diagnosis—and 33.7% of adults have prediabetes with blood glucose levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. In addition to profound health implications, diabetes can pose a financial burden that may impede access to necessary care and affect overall quality of life.

Participating in an initiative like Purple Ticket to Health aligns with the Ravens’ commitment to supporting the overall wellness of the Flock, the nickname given to devoted Ravens fans. Tight end Mark Andrews, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as a child, serves as a spokesperson for the initiative and has been a visible and vocal advocate for the cause.

“We wanted to join forces with MedStar Health to prioritize our community and their health on game day and every day,” says Nick Berry, client services coordinator for the Baltimore Ravens. “This is a great partnership that will continue to grow and make an impact within the Ravens Flock and throughout Maryland.”

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To learn more about MedStar Health’s programs and initiatives across Maryland and the Washington, D.C., region that are contributing to healthier communities, visit MedStarHealth.org/Community Health or email communityhealth@medstar.net.