A bursa is a closed, fluid-filled sac that cushions and provides a gliding surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body around joints. When the bursa becomes inflamed, the condition is known as bursitis. Hip bursitis can occur if the bursa becomes irritated and swollen for unknown reasons or as a symptom of other issues such as gluteal tendon partial tears, arthritis or labral tears in the hip, uneven leg lengths, or Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome from repetitive overuse.
The main symptom of hip bursitis is pain at the point of the hip. The pain usually begins over the outside thigh area. In the early stages, the pain is usually described as sharp and intense. Many people with hip bursitis experience relief through simple lifestyle changes and the use of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine. Steroid injections are also a treatment option. In cases, where the pain does not improve, the inflamed bursa can be removed surgically using arthroscopy. Removal of the bursa does not hurt the hip, and the hip can actually function normally without it.
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