Myocarditis: Symptoms & Treatments | MedStar Health

Inflammation of the heart that can lead to life-threatening complications

Myocarditis causes inflammation of the heart muscle and can damage the heart’s electrical system. This makes it difficult for your heart to pump blood. Myocarditis can lead to:

The cause of myocarditis may not always be identified, but is often the result of a virus, such as Lyme disease, or an upper respiratory infection.


In the early stages of myocarditis, you may only experience mild symptoms, but they can worsen as the disease progresses. You may experience:


Diagnosing myocarditis in the early stages is essential to preventing long-term damage to the heart. Our specialists may recommend one or more diagnostic and imaging procedures.


Although myocarditis can improve on its own, treatment will depend on the symptoms you experience. This could include lifestyle modifications, medication, or more advanced treatments.

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