Heart Rhythm Disorder | Tachy-Brady Syndrome | MedStar Health
Doctors Eldadah, Schults and Shah pose for a photo in the cardiac electrophysiology lab at MedStar Washington Hospital Center.

A heart rhythm disorder that requires expert care

If you have tachy-brady syndrome, also known as tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome, your heart fluctuates between beating too quickly (tachycardia) and too slowly (bradycardia). Our Cardiac Electrophysiology Program provides expert care for patients with heart rhythm problems such as this.

You may develop tachy-brady syndrome if you’ve been diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome, a problem in the area of the heart that regulates the speed of heartbeats. You also may be at risk if you have atrial fibrillation (AFib), a particular type of irregular heartbeat.

Electrophysiology Program

We are leaders in developing and using the latest procedures and technologies to treat heart rhythm disorders, and our cardiac electrophysiology laboratory is one of the most sophisticated in North America.

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What are the symptoms of tachy-brady syndrome?

Tachy-brady syndrome symptoms may include:

  • Fainting or passing out

  • Heart palpitations, or the sensation that the heart rate is skipping, slowing down, or racing

  • Lightheadedness

If you have tachy-brady syndrome, you may be at higher risk for having a stroke.



Your doctor will order an electrocardiogram to see if you have an abnormal heart rhythm. If a standard electrocardiogram isn’t enough to detect the abnormal rhythm, you may need additional types of heart rhythm monitoring.

Angiogram (Angiography)

An angiogram is a special x-ray taken as a special dye is injected through a thin, flexible tube called a catheter to detect blockages or aneurysms in blood vessels.

Chest X-ray

Chest x-rays use a small dose of radiation to create pictures of the structures inside the chest, including the lungs, heart, and chest wall.

Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan

The cardiac computed tomography scan, or cardiac CT, uses x-rays to create three-dimensional images of your heart and blood vessels.


An echocardiogram uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of your heart.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An electrocardiogram, also known as an ECG, measures the heart’s electrical activity.

Electrophysiology Testing

Electrophysiology testing is used to evaluate the cause and location of an abnormal heartbeat (known as an arrhythmia).

Event Monitors

An event monitor is a small device that records the heart’s electrical activity. It’s similar to an electrocardiogram, but whereas an electrocardiogram takes place over a few minutes, an event monitor measures heart rhythms over a much longer time.

Holter Monitors

A Holter monitor is a small device that records the heart’s electrical activity. It’s similar to an electrocardiogram, but whereas an electrocardiogram records over a few minutes, a Holter monitor records over the course of a day or two.

Loop Recorder

A loop recorder is a device that’s implanted underneath the skin of your chest to record your heart rhythm for up to three years.

Stress Tests

Stress tests are used to assess how your heart works during physical activity. There are several types of stress tests, including treadmill or bike stress tests, nuclear stress tests, stress echocardiograms, and chemically induced stress tests.

Tilt Table Test

Tilt table testing allows your doctor to determine the cause of explained fainting while monitoring changes in your blood pressure and heart rate while tilted at different angles.


Atrial Fibrillation Ablation

Atrial fibrillation ablation uses extreme heat or cold to destroy tissue causing faulty electrical signals in the heart.

Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)

An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is a device implanted below your collarbone that monitors your heart’s rhythm. When it detects an abnormal rhythm, it delivers an electrical impulse or shock to the heart to correct it.


A pacemaker is a device that helps control various types of heart rhythm disorders.

Our providers

Dr Brian Case listens to the heart of a patient during an office visit at MedStar Health. Both people are wearing masks.

Expert heart and vascular care

Getting the care you need starts with seeing one of our cardiologists.

Ask MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute

Have general questions for our heart and vascular program? Email us at AskMHVI@medstar.net. If you have clinically-specific questions, please contact your physician’s office.