Teen alliance for prepared parenting (TAPP) is a community service initiative within the division of Women's and Infants' Services at MedStar Health. The program addresses the high rate of teen pregnancy in the nation's capital, providing reproductive, obstetrical, and sexual health services. TAPP is a comprehensive program that provides a unique mix of clinical and psychosocial services to help young parents avoid unintended subsequent pregnancy during adolescence, continue and complete their education, master life management skills, and improve the future for their children.
Our mission
Our mission is to work with and assist young families, in their effort to parent successfully, live meaningful lives, and act with purpose in their community.
How TAPP works
TAPP believes that subsequent pregnancy prevention is most successful through the combination of medical, educational and social involvement. TAPP works to reduce teen pregnancy by:
Increasing health knowledge and promoting healthy behavior
Improving life management and coping skills
Encouraging a sense of hope and expanding expectations for the future
Increasing access to contraception, reproductive, and sexual health services
TAPP provides a full range of services that promote healthier living and improve the overall well-being of pregnant and parenting youth.
A dedicated team of professionals, including nurse-midwives, physicians, nurses, social workers, counselors, youth development specialists, and health educators work together to implement TAPP.
TAPP offers services at MedStar Health, Anacostia High School, and Roosevelt High School.
Adolescents participating in TAPP receive

Obstetric and gynecologic services
Prenatal education
Parenting education individual and workshops
Family planning and contraceptive services
Individual and group supportive counseling
Workshops in communication, conflict resolution, and other life-management skills
Support to ensure the continuation and completion of education
Centering Pregnancy® group prenatal care
TAPP offers behavioral health services and our staff are trained on perinatal mood disorders components of care through Postpartum Support International (PSI).
TAPP is a partner of the Greater Washington, D.C., Diaper Bank
Loral Patchen, Executive Director with TAPP community members.
Additional information
Adolescents who are pregnant and aged 21 or younger are eligible to enroll at any time during their pregnancy. Young fathers may enroll if they are expecting a child, or if they have a child under the age of five years. Once enrolled, youth may continue to participate in the program until 23 years of age.
Community work
Tackling teen pregnancy in schools
Take the Maternity tour or browse our catalog of prenatal, childbirth, and postpartum classes.