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Patients often tell us- remarkable care is what sets a healthcare institution apart. Here’s a snapshot of some of the people at our hospital who are providing phenomenal comfort and care to our patients, especially when they need it the most. Read their stories and note how they’re making a difference each day.
Ria Singh, Senior Administrative Assistant
Ria Singh (pictured to the right of President John Sullivan) is an amazing team player and wears many hats, yet always finds time to help her colleagues, and our patients - in any way possible. Responsive, professional and sincere, she shines in her role as senior administrative assistant in the Dekelboum Hematology/Oncology Center. Ria is so committed to our patients that she frequently visits them on the inpatient units. Recently, she recalled that one patient, in particular, held her hand and said, “Please don’t leave me, I’m fighting this.” Ria stayed, but the patient died shortly after her visit. Ria explained how this part of her job is difficult, yet she continues every day to walk the journey with each and every patient, and even their family members, in their fight against cancer. Ria truly demonstrates "Patient First" commitment. Ria was recently honored with the President’s Award from John Sullivan. See her surprised reaction to the honor in this video!
Jodi Ann Boreland, Hearing and SpeechJavier Coleman, Patient Transport
Breaking a routine is “the natural thing to do” to help a patient in need, says Jodi Ann Boreland. So, it was not out of the ordinary for her to try to get one of her patients back to her room as soon as possible after a test in the Hearing and Speech Center. But, it was a very busy day and Patient Transport was backed up. She noted that several patients were ahead of her. Seeing the patient was very uncomfortable, but unable to leave her station, she called Central Patient Transport to see if there was anything that could be done to help the patient return to her room quickly. Transport dispatcher, Javier Coleman, answered the call and said he would come over himself. Within minutes, he arrived and returned the patient to her room.
The duo’s blend of patient-first thinking, personal engagement, compassion and teamwork made the patient’s experience more positive. Jodi Ann and Javier reinforced what it means to have a great working relationship based on teamwork. “This is what we do every day. I have to look out for my patients and do what’s right for them," added Boreland.
Maryse Isambo, Nurse on 2E
It was a thoughtful and kind gesture from night-shift nurse Maryse Isambo that helped brighten a patient's day. One morning during rounds, she asked a patient her usual questions, "Are the nurses treating you well? How are we doing controlling your pain? When you call for help do we respond quickly?"
One patient responded that he has had the best experience and his enthusiasm was over the top. He proceeded to say, “No, really it has been great,” and he then pulled a letter out of his bag.
The letter read:
Dear Mr. Smith: (Not Real Name)
We were doing a bedside report, you were sleeping so we didn’t want to wake you up. I hope I provided you with great care.
Happy belated birthday and Happy Father’s Day.
I hope you are released early, because I know that what was you were hoping for.
Your night nurse,Maryse (Isambo)
The patient was so appreciative of the letter from Maryse– which he kept – and was touched by the thoughts that were expressed. As we have often said, it’s the little things that matter – and often carry the loudest messages of caring and compassion for our patients!
Watch the video and see Maryse's reaction when she received the President's Award from John Sullivan!
The Electrophysiology/Interventional Cardiology Team
The night before a three-day holiday weekend, a 90-year-old man was admitted to the coronary care unit at the hospital with a critically slow heart rate. He was sustained with a temporary pacemaker, but this was felt to be a risky and tenuous lifeline for the long weekend. A permanent pacemaker was the only solution. Because we did not have the resources to implant permanent pacemakers in the cardiac catheterization laboratory (the only site available to handle weekend and holiday urgent cardiac procedures), we needed an alternative solution.
Dionne Ross (Nursing Director, Cardiac Catheterization and Electrophysiology Laboratories) and Simone Payne (Patient Care Manager, Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory) sprang into action. Without an instant's hesitation, a team of three committed electrophysiology personnel--Simone Payne, Saba Wondifraw (Cardiac Electrophysiology Technology Manager), and Siobhan Forbes (Cardiac Electrophysiology Nurse)--gave up their holiday to head to the hospital.
They opened an electrophysiology laboratory, brought the patient over, helped implant the pacemaker, supported the recovery and returned him to his unit. The patient did very well. His temporary pacemaker was able to be removed, and he was released from the coronary care unit, allowing his much-needed bed to be given to another critically ill patient.
"The individuals who responded to this acute problem exemplify our core philosophy of "Above All, patients first," says Dr. Zayd Eldadah. 'They were responsive, efficient, compassionate, and motivated solely by doing what was best for a patient in need. It's an honor to work with such a fine team!"
This extraordinary group of caregivers were also honored with the President's Award!
Know Someone Going Above and Beyond?
These are just some of the wonderful stories of our associates who are providing exemplary care to our patients. Do you have others to share? Email them to