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March is Brain Injury Awareness Month and a timely opportunity to discuss the risks of concussions. As youth spring sports are beginning, it’s important for young athletes and their parents to understand what a concussion is, how to spot one, and when to seek treatment.
What is a concussion?
Most people think of a concussion as a blow to the head. While a direct hit to the head can cause a concussion, not every blow to the head leads to one. And, it’s possible to have a concussion without any direct hit to the head. Rather, a concussion occurs when the brain forcefully shakes back and forth between the inside of the skull, similarly to a bowl of jello being shaken. The result is a complex reaction in the body, which can vary person to person and involve short-term or long-term physical, cognitive, and emotional impacts.
Concussions are also considered a mild traumatic brain injury. While many people with concussions recover within a few weeks, it’s important to seek care sooner rather than later in order to experience the best outcomes.
What are some common causes of concussions?
A concussion can be caused by both direct or indirect impacts to the head. Sports are commonly linked to concussions, but there are many other causes. In fact, concussions may be most common in accidents where someone is not bracing or preparing for a direct hit, like a football tackle. For example, motor vehicle accidents or slips on ice can cause severe whiplash to the head and result in a concussion. Even everyday activities can lead to a mild traumatic brain injury, such as hitting one’s head on a kitchen cabinet.
When it comes to sports, research shows the highest sports-related concussions for males occur in hockey and football. Female sports-induced concussions more commonly occur during basketball and soccer. However, the risk for a concussion is high in any sport that involves collisions, projectiles, or stunts. Football, hockey, and rugby all commonly involve direct physical contact with other players, and the risk for a concussion is highest when an individual is not bracing for impact.
Sports such as lacrosse, baseball, softball, and hockey all involve a small projectile that can also cause serious damage if it comes into direct contact with the head. Even athletes who participate in gymnastics, cheerleading, figure skating, or dance are at risk of a concussion from a potential fall from a stunt or lift.
What are some of the signs and symptoms of a concussion?
Concussion symptoms can be subtle, especially at first. In fact, sometimes it can take up to 72 hours for symptoms to appear. That’s why it’s important for coaches and parents of young athletes to be educated on the early signs of concussions and be on the lookout for any falls or collisions that resulted in a whiplash to the head.
Most commonly, symptoms after a concussion may include:
Pain, either where they got it or somewhere else
Blurry vision
Difficulty hearing
For some, concussions can also lead to a feeling of fogginess or cause someone to look stunned and dazed. As a result, coaches and parents should check on any athletes who may be holding their heads or shaking. Because a concussion isn’t something you can diagnose with imaging, it’s important to ask young athletes questions to understand their individual symptoms. When in doubt, always sit an athlete out for further evaluation.
How long do concussion symptoms last?
Your favorite fantasy football player may be able to return to the NFL in a week’s time after a concussion, but that’s not typically the case for young athletes in middle or high school. Concussion symptoms and recovery will vary by individual, and our goal is to help you or your child understand the timeline most appropriate for their unique situation. For some, symptoms may only last a few days. Others may feel the effects of their concussion for weeks or even months–in less frequent cases.
How are concussions treated?
It’s possible for mild concussions to heal on their own. However, seeking care early can help to expedite the healing process and lower your risk of susceptibility to a second concussion soon after. And in many cases, seeking medical care for young athletes can ensure they can get any necessary accommodations in school and facilitate a safer return to sports.
The first step is often to talk to an athletic trainer on or near the field where your child experienced a potential concussion. Even if they didn’t witness the fall or hit, it’s important to talk to a medical professional about any possible signs and get an evaluation. If there isn’t a medical professional on-site or you don’t notice symptoms until later, you can always take your child to MedStar Health Urgent Care or your primary care doctor. They can advise you on next steps, including whether you may benefit from a referral to the MedStar Health Concussion Clinic.
Concussion specialists can provide the latest, up-to-date education and information about how to manage your child’s specific symptoms and facilitate recovery in the safest way possible. Rest the first few days after a concussion is important but recommendations are not what they used to be. (You don’t need to rest 24/7 in a dark room with no stimuli!)
In some cases, your child may be referred to physical therapy, where specialists are trained to help with physical and cognitive impairments. Young athletes may benefit from a team approach to concussion treatment, depending on their specific symptoms. For example, a physical therapist can help them to safely maintain conditioning and train them to safely return to a sport, in collaboration with their physician. If someone with a concussion is experiencing vision problems or difficulty with word-finding, a speech language pathologist can help. Occupational therapists may also play a role in rehabilitation. Your team can also recommend accommodations for work or school, such as shorter days, more time for tests, or additional breaks.
Our goal is to help eliminate symptoms and work collaboratively as a team to get patients back to the sports and activities they love as quickly as it is safe to do so.
Are concussions preventable?
Even if we wrap our kids in bubble wrap, it’s nearly impossible to prevent the risk of concussions altogether. However, there are several things you can do to lower the risk:
Encourage your child to wear appropriate, well-fitted protective equipment
Learn proper technique relevant to a particular sport (how to tackle or fall to decrease injuries and body mechanics that cause concussion)
Avoid unnecessary head impacts
Learn how to identify the signs of a concussion and when to remove from play
Additionally, if a potential concussion is accompanied by vomiting, slurred speech, or extreme confusion, it’s best to go to the ER right away.
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If you are unsure whether or not your child experienced a concussion, it’s always best to get checked early. While we can’t always prevent concussions, we can learn to spot them and treat them early, which will lead to the best possible outcomes.