Featured Blog
November 15, 2024
By MedStar Team
If you have type 2 diabetes, understanding your condition and how to manage it is critical to getting and staying healthy. After all, diabetes is chronic, meaning that you’ll be living with it for th...
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December 18, 2017
In July 2016, I attended a bariatric surgery information session with my mom. I went to support her, but I guess I looked like I needed help, too. Someone handed me a weight-loss surgery form to...
December 12, 2017
Doctors are seeing more patients with thyroid cancer in the last 30 years, as data from the American Cancer Society show. Thyroid cancer is the fastest-growing cancer diagnosis in the United Sta...
November 28, 2017
Burns can happen to anyone, but people with diabetes may be more susceptible than others. In fact, between 10 and 15 percent of patients admitted to our Burn Center have diabetes.High or unstable bloo...
November 21, 2017
You’re out to lunch with a group of friends when you feel that urge again—you have to go to the bathroom right now. It doesn’t matter that you just went a half-hour ago. You can’t hold it. You excuse ...
November 13, 2017
For many people, a blister or ingrown toenail would be a minor nuisance, painful for a few days, but then it would heal and disappear. But for people with diabetes, common foot problems can become ser...
November 09, 2017
Most people are unfamiliar with the term “palliative care” and often confuse it with hospice. Palliative care and hospice services work with people who are dying. However, palliative care can be provi...