Featured Blog
February 27, 2025
By MedStar Team
This article was written by Hellina Birru, MD, Michelle Deville, RN, and Heather Fitzhugh-Boehm, RN. Two MedStar Health teams come together to bring research opportunities to patients at home, expa...
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October 29, 2015
By MedStar Health Research Institute
Overseas medical missions afford physicians a unique opportunity, to learn about the challenges of delivering much-needed health care in an underserved area of a country. Sometimes it’s the une...
October 29, 2015
Instrumental music teacher Marilyn Beeson had just finished teaching her lively class of fourth and fifth graders who were preparing for their spring concert. She was taking a drink when she felt a t...
September 02, 2015
Endovascular Iliocaval Reconstruction Heals Debilitating WoundsFor years, the 38-year-old patient suffered with heavy, swollen lower extremities resulting in chronic venous ulcers lasting several mont...
September 02, 2015
Ignoring Cornorary Artery Disease Signs Could Have Been DevastatingThe symptoms, at first, were subtle and easy to dismiss. Burning and chest discomfort—likely acid reflux. A nagging ache in the left ...
September 02, 2015
Registry to Clarify Optimal Type B Aortic Dissection TreatmentThe perfect storm of high prevalence, large volume and advanced technology make MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute (MHVI) an ideal set...
September 02, 2015
An inaccurate diagnosis at another hospital almost cost Steven Jones his life. Fortunately, his wife, medical director of Washington Cancer Institute at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, knew ...