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December 18, 2024
With the holiday season finally here, many of us overindulge, leading to heartburn, acid reflux, and bloating. But when these symptoms occur regularly despite normal eating habits, you may have gastr...
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October 04, 2016
Whether or not to continue employment while undergoing treatment for cancer is a difficult question. The answer needs to include consideration of your unique situation and needs. You may feel strongly...
September 29, 2016
It started as a nagging thought, back in November 2012. I just didn’t feel like my usual self, but I couldn’t define why, precisely. Little things crept into the cracks of my well-being and seemed to ...
September 27, 2016Walk your way to better health and get answers to your health questions during MedStar Washington Hospital Center's next Walk with a Doc event.
September 27, 2016
After the initial shock of finding out that you have prostate cancer, you will probably think of multiple questions for the surgeon. A question we are frequently asked is whether surgery is the only c...
September 26, 2016September is National Preparedness Month, so now is the perfect time to develop an emergency plan for where you live, work and even the places you visit.
September 20, 2016
Before becoming a nurse navigator, I was a patient myself forging my own personal journey with breast cancer. One of the individuals who helped me was a woman who shared some of her own personal exper...