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October 23, 2023
From improving healing to maximizing mobility after amputation, MedStar Health Research Institute’s limb salvage line focuses on helping patients regain and retain mobility after a diabetic foo...
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July 24, 2018
By MedStar Team
The number of first-time total knee replacements, also known as arthroplasties, is expected to grow by 673 percent, reaching 3.48 million procedures by 2030, according to a study published by t...
June 14, 2018
Customized Solutions Provide Needed Relief Pain is our body's way of telling us there’s something wrong. If it’s long lasting, it can have a profound impact on an individual’s quality of life. “If pa...
June 13, 2018
Conservative Approach Improves Quality of Life The Center for Successful Aging at MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital continues to expand its services to address the needs of individuals experiencing age...
June 12, 2018
One of the major goals of our Limb Salvage and Wound Care program is to avoid amputation when we can—and our efforts and those of similar programs around the country are paying off. The Centers for Di...
June 05, 2018
Robotic surgery is one of the most effective and least invasive options we offer our hernia patients. In fact, we’re able to do even large hernia repairs with robotic techniques, which ben...
June 01, 2018
Sarcomas, which are cancers that start in bones, fat or muscle, are rare and can be challenging to treat. Historically, amputation was the only option for treating patients who had a sarcoma in ...