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February 27, 2025
By MedStar Team
This article was written by Hellina Birru, MD, Michelle Deville, RN, and Heather Fitzhugh-Boehm, RN. Two MedStar Health teams come together to bring research opportunities to patients at home, expa...
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October 21, 2016Screening tests are a powerful weapon in the fight against breast cancer. Mammography is a breast cancer screening tool used to help doctors pinpoint when a change has occurred in a woman’s breast. In spite of these benefits, and in spite of having health insurance, too many women in Washington, D.C. are forgoing their annual breast cancer mammograms out of fear.
October 20, 2016
For many women, the fear of breast cancer is very real, due to certain risk factors - for example, a family history of breast cancers, being a member of a high-risk group or even aging. The presence o...
October 11, 2016
Since your diagnosis of breast cancer, you probably have many questions about your disease and treatment. Once you enter the world of doctors, specialists, nurses and paperwork, you may not have the t...
October 02, 2016
By MedStar Health Research Institute
Shaunagh Browning, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, Nurse Manager of the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences’ Clinical Research Unit has co-authored the Scope and Standards o...
October 02, 2016
By MedStar Health Research Institute
The NIH has released a new policy on training in Good Clinical Practices (GCP) for NIH-funded investigators and staff. Effective January 1, 2017, this policy applies to all NIH-funded investigators an...
October 02, 2016
By MedStar Health Research Institute
Congratulations to all researchers who were published in September 2016. There were 76 peer-reviewed studies published in 62 journals that are part of the body of work completed by MedStar Health inve...