2023 Symposium: Our largest event yet!
More than 1,000 members of our academic community attended the 2023 MedStar Health–Georgetown University Research & Education Symposium on May 8, 2023 – our first in-person Symposium in four years! The event featured 350+ juried poster presentations, plus numerous oral presentations and academic workshops. This year’s theme was health equity.
Highlights included a keynote address by Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable, MD, Director of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) at the National Institutes of Health. Other main stage speakers were Stephen R.T. Evans, MD, executive vice president for Medical Affairs and chief medical officer for MedStar Health, Neil J. Weissman, MD, president of MedStar Health Research Institute and chief scientific officer for MedStar Health, and Jamie S. Padmore, DM, vice president of Academic Affairs at MedStar Health.
The grand ballroom featured more than 300 research abstract posters with several residents and fellows recognized for outstanding research:
First Place:
“Statewide Data on Surgical Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation: The Data Provide a Path Forward”
Jin Kook Kang, MD (PGY-3, Surgery)
“Admission BNP Level and Postpartum Blood Pressure Prior to Discharge”
Rebecca Chornock, MD (PGY-7, Maternal-Fetal Medicine)
“EEG Correlates of Motor Function Recovery During the Critical Period Window Post Stroke”
Syed Qadri, MD (PGY-2, Physical Medicine &Rehabilitation)
Second Place:
“Use of COVID-19 prevention therapy Evusheld in patients with multiple sclerosis: A retrospective observational study”
Amy Safadi, MD (PGY-5, Neurology)
“Factors Associated with Delays in Definitive Resection for Colon Cancer”
Timothy Holleran, MD (PGY-4, Surgery)
“The Impact of COVID-19 and Vaccination Status on Outcomes in Head and Neck Cancer Patients”
James Johns, MD (PGY-3, ENT)
Third Place:
“Can We Stop the Bleed? A Pilot Study Using a Geographic Information System to Train Violence Intervention Specialists in Washington, DC.”
James Wallace, MD (PGY-7, Trauma)
“Exploring Genetic Causes of Paratubal Cyst Formation in the Setting of PCOS”
Nishita Patel, MD (PGY-4, Obstetrics and Gynecology)
“The digital divide in the use of social media among cancer survivors”
Joseph Atarere, MD (PGY-1, Internal Medicine)
2021 MedStar Health—Georgetown University Research Symposium

Hosted by the MedStar Health Research Institute, MedStar Health Academic Affairs, and Georgetown University Medical Center, the MedStar Health-Georgetown University Research Symposium is open to all members of the research and education community interested in learning more about scholarship at MedStar and Georgetown. The Symposium offers the opportunity to connect with researchers, educators, residents, executive leaders, and collaborative partners from across the region and our system to build meaningful relationships to further advance the health of our community.
We create knowledge through research each and every day, with the great work of our investigators in diverse areas of research, partnerships with our clinical leaders and support of our colleagues throughout the system.
In May, investigators, educators, innovators, and associates came together virtually for three days at the 2021 MedStar Health-Georgetown University Research Symposium and CENTILE’S Colloquium for Educators in the Health Professions.
Nearly 300 research posters and abstracts were submitted by MedStar investigators and residents in eleven research areas. The first day started with a viewing session for all posters and abstracts followed by opening remarks by both Kenneth Samet (President and Chief Executive Officer, MedStar Health) and Jack DeGioia (President, Georgetown University). Our keynote address was presented by Dr. David J. Skorton, President of the Association of American Medical Colleges and past president of the Smithsonian Institutes. The first day also included the highest-scoring resident and oral presentations followed by a moderated research poster session and networking. These presentations allow residents and fellows to gain the experience of presenting their research and allow them to share their work with the larger MedStar Health & Georgetown University communities.
Day 2 began with the Colloquium for Educators in the Health Professions, with opening remarks from Pamela A. Saunders, PhD, Programs Chair, CENTILE, Center for Innovation and Leadership in Education (CENTILE), Dr. Aviad Haramati, PhD, Director, Center for Innovation and Leadership in Education (CENTILE), and Dr. Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences, GUMC, Executive Dean, Georgetown University School of Medicine. After welcoming remarks, there was a presentation on racial and health justice discussing “Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism: A Journey through Undergraduate Medical Education” including speakers Michelle Roett, MD; Sarah Kureshi, MD; Susan Cheng, Ed.L.D., MPP; Keisha Bell, MD; and Megha Fitzpatrick, MD. This was followed by educational plenary speakers including our new Dean of the Medical School, Dr. Lee Jones and Dr. Stephanie Detterline, along with workshops and networking.
The Symposium wrapped up on day 3, with research plenary speakers Jay Khanna, MD, MBA, and Aviram M. Giladi, MD, MS, followed by additional research posters and educational sessions.
Mark your calendars for the 2022 MedStar Health-Georgetown University Research Symposium scheduled for Monday, May 9, 2022.
Collaboration to advance health: 2019 MedStar Health research symposium
Nearly 1,000 members of the MedStar-Georgetown research and education communities attended the 2019 MedStar Health—Georgetown University research symposium on Thursday, May 30, 2019. 2019 was the inaugural partnership with Georgetown University, across research and educational domains, with the research symposium partnering Georgetown CENTILE to host the Colloquium for Educators in the Health Professions as part of the event. The Sixth Annual colloquium for educators in the health professions colloquium was an opportunity for those across the MedStar-Georgetown system who are focused on education to gather, share ideas, and learn together. The colloquium highlighted the impact of research and scholarship on education, showcasing the work of many educator-clinicians. As part of the Colloquium, we welcomed Holly J. Humphrey, MD, MACP, President of the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation as the plenary speaker over lunch. In the early afternoon, there were eight pre-symposium educational sessions on topics ranging from IRB to medical professionalism to biomedical informatics. Academics affairs at MedStar Health hosted their system-wide GME Town Hall as part of the Resident Research Day, connecting residents and fellows to leadership from the hospitals and across the system.
As part of the Resident Research Day, six oral presentations from the highest rated resident and fellow abstracts were presented in the White Flint Amphitheater. You can read more about the top scoring resident and fellow research in Focus here.
The Grand Ballroom opened with over 400 research abstract posters being presented. Three research teams were recognized for their outstanding research:
“Proteomic Alterations of HDL in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes and their Associations with Glycemic Control: A Case-Control Study”
, Jenny (Evgenia) Gourgari, MD -
“Multi-Modal Sepsis Performance Improvement Initiative Improves Early and Appropriate Treatment, Reduces Sepsis-Related Readmissions, and Reduces Overall Mortality,”
, Seife Yohannes, MD -
“Mobilizing a Million Hearts: Process Mapping of Cardiac Risk Assessment and Discussion”
, Ronald Romero Barrientos
The main stage speakers included Stephen Evans, MD
Chief Medical Officer, MedStar Health; Edward B. Healton, MD, Executive Dean, Georgetown University School of Medicine; Neil J. Weissman ,MD, Chief Scientific Officer, MedStar Health; and Jamie S. Padmore, DM, MSc, Vice President, Academic Affairs, MedStar Health. The keynote address was delivered by Holly J. Humphrey, MD, MACP, President, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation.
There was a lot of activity on Twitter with the hashtag #MedStarGTsymposium19. You can view photo highlights on Dr. Neil J. Weissman’s blog, Notes from Neil, here
Gratitude. Research. Hope.: 2018 MedStar Health research symposium
More than 800 attendees were onsite on Monday, April 30 for the 2018 MedStar Health research symposium. Nearly 350 abstracts and case reports were presented by MedStar Health investigators, associates, residents and fellows. Three abstracts were recognized as the “Most Outstanding” at the event by Neil Weissman, MD.
The day began at 1:30 pm, with five pre-symposium professional development and advancement sessions. Each session was hosted by a MedStar Health expert and open to all attendees. Several top scoring residents and fellows presented their research in front of a packed amphitheater.
The main stage presentation reminded attendees of the importance of the community members who participate in research. You can watch the video presentation below.
Read more about the event, and see some photos, on Focus.
View the 2018 research symposium program here.
Advancing healthcare through research: 2017 MedStar Health research symposium
Advancing Health at the 2017 MedStar Health research symposium The 2017 MedStar Health research symposium was held at the Bethesda North Marriott & Conference Center, with education sessions beginning at 1 p.m. The symposium highlighted research across MedStar, with more than 300 abstract posters presented in the main ballroom. Residents and fellows presented their research at oral presentations as part of the first system-wide Resident Research Day. The keynote address was delivered by Darrell Kirch, MD, president and chief executive officer, Association of American Medical Colleges.
Travis Thompson, MD was awarded 1st place for his presentation of “Increasing Ultrasound Evaluation in Renal Colic” as part of the resident and fellow oral presentations.
The award for most outstanding abstract was presented to Kathryn Curtin, RN, BSN, and Shannon Walters, RN, BSN, from MedStar Washington Hospital Center for their abstract “Follow the Blue Feet: Nurse Implemented Post-Operative MOBILITY Program”.
Read more about the event on Focus.
Download the 2017 program here.

Darrell Kirch, MD, president and chief executive officer, Association of American Medical Colleges, presented the keynote address.

Kathryn Curtin and Shannon Walters being presented with the award for most outstanding abstract by Neil Weissman, MD.

Top scoring residents presented oral abstracts as part of the first system-wide Resident Research day.
Showcasing Research: 2016 MedStar Health research symposium
How MedStar Health researchers are advancing health for patients was truly on display, with a top score award presented to Rachel Scott, MD, for her poster abstract “Does Delivery after 40 Weeks Gestation Increase Maternal-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Well-Controlled HIV-Infected Pregnant Women?”
With opening remarks from Stephen R.T. Evans, MD, Executive Vice President, Medical Affairs, and Chief Medical Officer, MedStar Health; Kenneth A. Samet, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer, MedStar Health; Edward B. Healton, MD, MPH, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean of the School of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center; and Neil J. Weissman, MD, President, MedStar Health Research Institute, and Professor of Medicine, Georgetown University School of Medicine, attendees learned about the ways in which MedStar Health takes advancing health through research to heart and the collaboration which MedStar Health embodies so that all associates can achieve success.
The keynote was delivered by William H. Shrank, MD, MSHS, Senior Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer and Chief Medical Officer, Provider Innovation and Analytics, CVS Health. His presentation on the benefits of partnering with innovative healthcare organizations that rapidly adjust to better serve their patients was a highlight of the evening. His praise of MedStar as an entity that CVS wants to partner with further energized the audience. Dr. Shrank noted that MedStar Health researchers posses the ability and drive to support ‘real-time changes and adjustments’ during the research they complete, and that these are supported by the “networked hospital and research system” that MedStar Health embraces. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to another successful symposium!
Celebrating knowledge through research:2015 MedStar Health research symposium
There were many highlights, but what might have been the most inspiring part of the evening was hearing from our guest Keynote speaker, Joe Selby, Executive Director of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), who spoke about the potential of research in the community care environment.
Opening remarks were also delivered by Ken Samet, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer; Dr. Stephen Evans, Executive Vice President, Medical Affairs, and Chief Medical Officer; and Dr. Neil Weissman, President of the MedStar Health Research Institute.
2014 MedStar Health research symposium—bigger than ever
On Monday, March 10, over 400 members of the MedStar Health research community came together to support research week in the most appropriate way possible—showcasing their research studies to other associates and leaders across the MedStar system.The annual research symposium celebrates MedStar Health creating knowledge through research from across the MedStar Health system. We do this with great work from our investigators in diverse areas of research, by partnering with our superb clinical leaders and with the support of our colleagues throughout the system.
This year over 100 research studies were showcased, each of which were carefully selected by a scientific committee from hundreds of submissions. Attendees had an opportunity to meet and interact with each investigator in front of their poster which explained the study design and results.
There were many highlights, but what might have been the most inspiring part of the evening was hearing from our guest Keynote speaker Carolyn Clancy, MD, Assistant Deputy for Quality, Safety and Value, Veterans Health Administration. She spoke about health services research, the improvements in science and healthcare, and how MedStar is very well positioned to lead in exploring new directions. Opening remarks were also delivered by Ken Samet, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Stephen Evans, Executive Vice Chair of the Symposium, President, Medical Affairs, and Chief Medical Officer and Dr. Neil Weissman, President of the MedStar Health Research Institute.
In his remarks, Dr. Weissman introduced the launch of Research Brings Hope® - a poster campaign that will feature inspirational quotes from local celebrities and public figures, alongside MedStar investigators, attesting to the importance of clinical research. At the end of the evening, an award was given in each of the 9 categories to researchers with the highest score on peer review from the symposium committee.
2013 MedStar Health research symposium a success!
Monday, March 4, marked the second annual MedStar Health research symposium, which was held in the early evening at the Sheraton Hotel in Columbia. More than 350 MedStar Health investigators, associates and leaders from across the system attended the event, which showcased over 100 research projects from all disciplines.
Keynote speeches were given by Stephen Evans, MD, executive vice president, Medical Affairs, and Chief Medical Officer, MedStar Health, and Howard Federoff, MD, executive vice president for Health Sciences and executive dean, School of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, about the importance of research and advancing health to MedStar Health and its future.
“The symposium was a showcase of the diverse investigation MedStar researchers perform every day,” said Munish Goyal, MD, chair of the Symposium Planning Committee. “I also received feedback that will improve my team’s manuscript and our poster presentation at an upcoming national meeting."
2012 MedStar Health research symposium: It’s a wrap!
Thanks to everyone who came out and participated in the first annual MedStar Health research symposium! This event was a wonderful celebration of MedStar’s commitment to creating knowledge through research.
By all accounts this first-time event was a success. We had 168 posters on display and more than 350 people in attendance!
The planning committee, who organized this system-wide Research Day, included investigators from across MedStar. Right from the start, the goals for the event were specific – to create an event that would increase research awareness at MedStar by reinforcing the idea of system-ness and give our investigators an opportunity to connect with each other.
“I think our goals have been largely accomplished. This was a good step in the right direction towards our much bigger goal of creating knowledge through research. I am pleased that the symposium brought our research community together, provided a greater appreciation of our collective minds and started a new momentum to increase research productivity across MedStar,” said Mihriye Mete, PhD, Biostatistics Manager, and Chair of the MedStar Health Research Symposium Planning Committee.