Karen Wyche Latham

Karen is responsible for patient care services, all Nursing Office operations, supplemental staffing and oversees the RN, unit clerk and patient care technician float pools. In 2015, She helped design the Biocontainment Unit, in response to worldwide concern about Ebola patients.

Karen Wyche Latham, MSN, BSN, RN, is the Senior Nursing Director for Resource Management at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. She is responsible for patient care services, all Nursing Office operations, supplemental staffing and oversees the RN, unit clerk and patient care technician float pools. She also oversees capacity management.

Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Wyche Latham spent a portion of her career at the renowned Cleveland Clinic before relocating to the Washington, D.C., area and beginning her career at the Hospital Center as a medical surgical nurse on Unit 2D in 1995. Her experience includes perioperative services, and she opened the first Short Stay Unit in 1998. In 2007, Wyche Latham transitioned to the Nursing Supervisor role, where she spent several years learning operations and was instrumental in the initial design of the Biocontainment Unit, developed in 2015 in response to worldwide concern about caring for patients with Ebola. In 2014, Wyche Latham assumed the role of Nursing Director of Capacity Management, and assumed responsibility for Nursing Office operations, supplemental staffing and patient care services. In 2016, she was awarded a Nurse Manager Fellowship by the American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) and the Leader of the Quarter Award from the MedStar Washington Hospital Center Board of Directors.

Wyche Latham received her BSN from the University of Toledo and her MSN from George Mason University. She is a member of the American Organization of Nurse Executives and Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing.