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December 18, 2024
While gathering to celebrate with family and friends, many of us overindulge, leading to heartburn, acid reflux, and bloating. But when these symptoms occur regularly despite normal eating habits, yo...
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November 03, 2021
By Heather Hartman-Hall, PhD, Licensed Psychologist
If you've ever flown on a plane, you've heard a flight attendant instruct everyone to put their oxygen masks on first before helping others, in the event of an emergency. This safety spiel isn't to e...
May 26, 2021
It’s been about 15 months since the term “COVID-19” became part of our vocabularies and began wreaking havoc on “normal life” as we all once knew it. In more ways than can be counted, the pandemi...
May 13, 2021
As the command center for every system in the body, a healthy brain requires a lot of blood to stay functional; in fact, every minute, it makes use of ¼ of the blood pumped by the heart. A dimini...
April 23, 2021
By Kerry Strom, RD, CDCES, LDN, Dietitian Educator at MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center
From fad diets to old wives’ tales about food, it’s easy to be misled into believing popular food myths. But just because a particular way of eating generates a certain result for one person, doe...
April 16, 2021
You may be surprised to hear that everyone has hemorrhoids. In fact, I often introduce the topic to my medical students by walking around the room and pointing to unsuspecting individuals exclaim...