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February 21, 2025
In the U.S., heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, claiming more lives than all types of cancers combined. Cardiovascular disease is responsible for of one in three deaths among wo...
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June 17, 2020
By Dr. Maggie Arnold, MD, Vascular Surgeon
Summer is just around the corner, and the warmer weather means it’s time to break out those shorts hidden in the back of your closet. Unfortunately, many people will be apprehensive about reachi...
May 06, 2020
Pregnancy can bring on a mix of emotions for many women. And sometimes, excitement about the baby can be overshadowed by the stress of the unknown, physical discomfort, and life changes. It’s p...
April 24, 2020
The months leading up to the birth of your baby are supposed to be joyous ones. But COVID-19 has created anxiety and uncertainty. We’d like to share a message of hope by answering some questions you l...
April 17, 2020
While treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs) are usually effective, they're not always necessary, as the body often can fight off simple UTIs on its own. Let’s discuss the implications of unnec...
April 10, 2020
Every 37 seconds, someone in the United States dies from heart disease. The good news is there are things you can do today to reduce your chances of developing heart disease, and you don’t have...
April 05, 2020
By MedStar Health Research Institute
Researchers from MedStar Washington Hospital Center and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital successfully delivered a healthy baby to a mom and dad who both tested positive for COVID-19. The case re...