MedStar Investigator Recognized for Outstanding Research Contributions

MedStar Investigator Recognized for Outstanding Research Contributions

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Kenneth D. Burman, MD, was recognized at the American Thyroid Association (ATA) annual meeting as the 2016 recipient of the John B. Stanbury Thyroid Pathophysiology Medal.

Kenneth Burman, MD
Kenneth D. Burman, MD

The John B. Stanbury Thyroid Pathophysiology Medal is awarded annually by the ATA to recognize outstanding research contributions, either conceptual or technical, to the understanding of thyroid physiology or the pathophysiology of thyroid disease, as evidenced by having a major impact on research or clinical practice related to thyroid diseases.

Dr. Burman is the director of the Endocrine Section at MedStar Washington Hospital Center (MWHC). He joined MWHC in 1994. Dr. Burman has published more than 250 peer-reviewed articles, including the first comprehensive guidelines for the treatment and management of anaplastic thyroid cancer. In addition to his commitment to research at MedStar, Dr. Burman has served as the chair for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Endocrine Advisory Committee.

His commitment to treating thyroid disease has led Dr. Burman to serve as the president of the ATA and to be an editorial board member of Thyroid and deputy editor of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

One of the most common disorders of the endocrine system, thyroid disease is estimated to affect 20 million people in the United States. The thyroid gland produces hormones that help to regulate body temperature; control the way the body uses energy; and allow brain, heart, and other muscles and organs to work efficiently and effectively.

The ATA is the leading global organization dedicated to the advancement, understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders and thyroid cancer.

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