Applicant Information | Orthodontic Residency Program | MedStar Health

Application Information—The MedStar Health—Washington Hospital Center Residency Program in Orthodontics

The Orthodontics Program will be accepting applicants this year. The orthodontic residency program accepts 2 residents annually. Annual tuition is $28,000.

Applicants must be enrolled, in good standing in the final year, or graduates of a dental school accredited by the American Dental Association. All applicants must have successfully completed the INBDE or the National Board Part 1 and 2 at the time of matriculation. You must also be eligible for dental licensure in the state of Virginia.

At this time, the residency training program is not using the Advanced Dental Admission Test (ADAT) as part of our evaluation process. Applicants may feel free to report their score if they have taken the exam, however it is not a requirement of application to our program.

The orthodontic residency program participates with the PASS program. Applicants must submit their application through PASS (Postdoctoral Application Support Service). Information for the PASS program is available by contacting:

1625 Massachusetts Ave. 
Suite 101 
Washington, D.C., 20036 
Fax:  202-332-9351 
Phone:  202-667-0642

The deadline for submitting application materials to PASS is often different than the deadline for the MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Please take care to submit your materials to PASS and allow adequate time for PASS to process the materials and forward them to the MedStar Washington Hospital Center by the September 15 deadline.

In addition to the information indicated on the PASS application, please submit the following documents via email:

  • A completed supplemental application
  • A brief statement, limited to one page, describing yourself and your life goals outside of the profession of dentistry or orthodontics. An application is a routine means of presenting yourself as a person to our staff. Language is a tool you will need to use extensively during your postgraduate experience. Here, we offer you an opportunity to use language not to "sell yourself," but to communicate with us. We are sincerely interested in who you are a person - beyond what we see in your application. We do understand that you have a sincere interest in pursuing orthodontic training so there is no need to discuss orthodontics or your desire to be an orthodontist in your essay. We are particularly interested in your life goals and interests without discussing dentistry or orthodontics.
  • Two 2x2 photographs of yourself

The completed application and all supporting documents listed above should be emailed to: 

The supplemental application fee of $75 (check or money order) made payable to MedStar Washington Hospital Center Section of Orthodontics should be mailed to:

MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Department of Oral Surgery
Orthodontic Section
110 Irving Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20010

After all your documents have been received by email, and your application fee has been received by mail, your completed application will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee.

Personal interviews are held, by invitation, in October or November for applicants selected by the Admissions Committee. Invitations are generally extended allowing candidates sufficient time to schedule travel to the MedStar Washington Hospital Center. During the formal interview adequate time will be provided to learn about the educational program, ask questions of the faculty and residents, and to tour our facilities.

Applications are accepted from June 1 through September 15. Applications received by the September 15 deadline will be considered for a residency beginning July 1 of the following year.

Please forward all questions and inquiries to

Dr. Sheira Ramos-Vélez

Clinical Attending Orthodontic Faculty

MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Department of Oral Surgery
Orthodontic Section
110 Irving Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20010