Hospital Leadership | MedStar St. Mary's Hospital | MedStar Health

MedStar St. Mary's Hospital Administrative team

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors at MedStar St. Mary's Hospital is a volunteer body dedicated to fulfilling the mission, vision, and values of the hospital. The board consists of community members, MedStar Health leaders, and representation from our Medical Staff.

Board members have experience on other boards or public committees, many related to the healthcare industry. They also have extensive professional and business achievements, as well as strong leadership skills. Their objectivity, commitment of time, and dedication to the community all play an important role in the success of the Board of Directors and MedStar St. Mary’s as a whole.

Since its inception, the board has guided the hospital toward many important goals. At the recommendation of its members, the hospital has expanded the array of medical specialties on staff and directed the hospital toward the acquisition of many cutting-edge technologies, such as our fully integrated electronic medical record system.

MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital Board of Directors

Philanthropy Committee of the Board of Directors

The Philanthropy Committee of the MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital Board of Directors serves as the fundraising arm of MedStar St. Mary's Hospital. Since 1912, MedStar St. Mary's Hospital has been dedicated to meeting the healthcare needs of our community. The hospital is a not-for-profit facility offering a full range of inpatient and outpatient services, health education and community outreach The Philanthropy Committee, formerly the St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation, raises private funds to support capital expansion projects, advanced medical technology and programs. Since 2001, it has awarded scholarships to more than 140 individuals pursuing education in nursing and healthcare fields.

The Philanthropy Committee is comprised of community volunteers who recognize the positive impact of philanthropy on the hospital and our community's health. The committee appreciates your continued support of our hospital and wants you to know that your participation at any level matters. The Philanthropy Committee offers several events and opportunities throughout the year, including the annual MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital Gala.

Learn more about ways to give to MedStar St. Mary's Hospital

Philanthropy Committee members include:

  • Karen Garner, chair
  • Tom Clark
  • Pamela Jamieson
  • Jeff Jeffries
  • Conor Loughran
  • Karla Matthews
  • Dana McPherson
  • Dr. Mimi Novello
  • Yahia Tagouri
  • Leslie Taylor
  • Lea Weaver

Healthcare Scholarships

Since 2001, the MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital has been awarding scholarships to Southern Maryland candidates interested in pursuing a healthcare career. The Committee accepts applications from individuals interested not only in nursing, but also in the growing field of allied health. These allied health professionals are involved in many aspects of health care, including but not limited to:

  • Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy
  • Radiology
  • Respiratory Therapy
  • Ultrasound
  • Laboratory Technology

Each of the scholarships awarded cover payment for tuition, books, and fees associated with the degree or certification.

Scholarship Application Requirements:

  • Scholarships are only for residents of Southern Maryland: St. Mary's, Charles and Calvert counties
  • You must have at least a 3.0 high school GPA if applying within four years of high school graduation
  • If it has been more than four years since high school graduation, please submit an ACT score or proof of degree from another school. (This program is not exclusively focusing on high-school aged students; many receive a scholarship as a second career)
  • In return for receiving the scholarship, recipients will commit to working at MedStar St. Mary's Hospital for at least one year if a position is available

For more information on the scholarship program, please click here.

Medical staff leadership

Yahia Tagouri, MD
Chief of Staff

Nyles Burton, MD
Vice Chief

Floyd Howell, MD


Department Chiefs

  • Anesthesiology: Nyles Burton, MD
  • Emergency Medicine: James Damalouji, MD
  • Family Medicine: Karen Bauer, MD
  • Medicine: Michael Dang, MD
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology: Anne Banfield, MD
  • Pathology: Yahia Tagouri, MD
  • Pediatrics: Naveen Minumula, MD
  • Psychiatry: Stephen Durrenberger, MD
  • Radiology: Alan Ost, MD
  • Surgery: Emmanuel Atiemo, MD